Major Donor SocietyThe Olivia Caldwell Foundation relies tremendously on the support of our wonderful donors to be able to continue the fight to find a cure for pediatric cancer! Without the support of our individual and corporate donors, we simply wouldn't be able to continue our efforts. We are pleased to now offer a membership to OCF's Major Donor Society for any individual, foundation, or corporation who gives $2,500 or more in a calendar year!
What Does A Major Gift Fund?
A Major Gift to the Olivia Caldwell Foundation makes a HUGE IMPACT in the fight to find a cure for our children! Here is a breakdown of just what a sizable financial gift can pay for:
$5,000Can support the upkeep of an extensive database of all clinical details and tumor samples that have been collected throughout the years. This is an invaluable resource that allows researchers at Children's Hospital to answer inquiries from scientists all over the world who are dedicated to finding a cure.
$20,000Can offer a completely new therapy in a trial to children who currently don't have any other treatment options. This is imperative, because insurance won't pay for experimental therapy. This major gift will support such a trial giving hope to children, usually at relapse, without any chance of cure with known therapies.