Olivia Caldwell Foundation Partners
The Olivia Caldwell Foundation has a strong belief in collaboration with reputable organizations to improve the lives of children battling cancer and other chronic or complicated medical conditions in Wyoming. This is why we pursue collaboration whenever possible to do the most good for Wyoming families without duplicating services. We are proud to include these organizations on our list of OCF Partners:
The Orr's Hope Foundation invests in the lives of families with premature babies and medically complex children by assisting with financial needs and empowering them to thrive in the community.
Children's Hospital Colorado is a Top 10 pediatric hospital in the nation. Our partners at Children's Colorado are committed to providing the best pediatric care to Wyoming kids at home whenever possible. This is why we partner together on the Pediatric Specialty Outreach Clinic in Casper.
Make-A-Wish Wyoming grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.
Jason's Friends Foundation mission is to assist Wyoming families whose children suffer from childhood cancers or brain or spinal cord tumors by providing critical non-medical financial assistance, advocacy and encouragement.
Highland Park Community Church is a non-denominational congregation of Christ-followers in Casper, WY that acts as a missions partner for the Olivia Caldwell Foundation. The church historically funds OCF's annual gift card distribution to Children's Hospital Colorado, which gives cards for food, gas and entertainment to pediatric oncology patients.
The Wyoming Cancer Coalition is charged with implementing the Wyoming Cancer Control Plan, which provides a clear vision of how we can address the second leading cause of death in the Equality State. The plan outlines Wyoming’s comprehensive cancer control goals and strategies for cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, and quality of life.