The Development of Targeted Therapy for High Grade Glioma (HGG)
Written By: Lead Researcher, Dr. Nick Foreman, Children's Hospital Colorado Neuro-oncologist
It was at first assumed that targeted therapy would be of limited use in HGG given that these very aggressive tumors often had more than one driver. However, in certain types of HGG we have shown using targeted therapies (often combined with the anti-autophagy therapy) to be a successful approach to treatment. Children with tumors where one would have expected a fatal outcome within 6 months are alive today thanks to the development of targeted therapy (+/- autophagy therapy) thanks to the Olivia Caldwell Foundation.
This is still a work in progress both in the lab and the clinic looking at new combinations with targeted therapies to improve the outcomes in all High Grade Gliomas.
This is still a work in progress both in the lab and the clinic looking at new combinations with targeted therapies to improve the outcomes in all High Grade Gliomas.